Rabu, 26 November 2014

Cinema In October 2014

Lets make it short! last month, which is October i went to cinema for twice watching first, Annabelle and then the second is Dracula Untold. It was October, it supposed to be the month where horror and thriller films were dominated as we always know that October is perfect time for it, its Halloween and films studios spread out their horror-thriller film that month. But poor here, the only one cinema seemed kind of unsupported that. So, big hit last month was only Annabelle.

Annabelle, as we all do know it was in the family of Conjuring film, set as a spin off focused in that creepy as hell doll named Annabelle. The film was absolutely success, success in haunting viewers. But overall, it was a disappointment, the film was being produced as its root story The Conjuring was a smash hit in 2013 both critically and commercially, but this one Annabelle film couldn't get what The Conjuring was all about besides that intense head breaker sound fx and cheap jump scares. Review here.

The second was Dracula Untold, another bloodsucker saga staring Luke Evans. Well, to be honest this was actually a film that i didn't plan to watch but better be this one than nothing haha. But luckily i wasn't really had that smile satisfiedly out from studio, well the film is just like that. I mean i has nothing special but a better background of that monster but well, thats not bad either. I think that wasn't kind of film i would go to see in cinemas next time, LOL.

Predestination: A Fizzle Bomber's Paradox Life

Fictional story of time travel has been such a thing in films’ plot story, a contradiction which leads into a complicated time loops that sometime and some viewers may have a little bit wondering in understanding.

Predestination, film Australia yang diproduksi di kota Melbourne namun mengambil set kota New York tahun 60-70an, mengambil sub tema time travel film fiksi ilmiah garapan sutradara Peter Spierig dan Michael Spierig ini merupakan film yang diadaptasi berdasarkan sebuah cerita pendek milik Robert A. Heinlein berjudul "--All You Zombies--".

Setelah Daybreakers, Ethan Hawk kembali digaet oleh Spierig bersaudara untuk menjadi tokoh sentral dalam film ini, namun bukan untuk menjadi seorang vampire melainkan seoran temporal agent yang bertugas untuk “reshaping the wrongdoings” lewat penemuan mesin waktu yang secara misterius berada dalam naungan Mr. Robertson yang secara sleek diperankan oleh Noah Taylor. Selain itu film ini disebut sebagai sebuah breakout performance dari bintang horror Jessabele, Sarah Snook. Perannya sebagai seorang hermaprodit sangat mencuri spotlight dalam film ini.

Mengangkat tema time travel, Predestination menyuguhkan satu tontonan dengan atribut yang mungkin sedikit membingungkan, at least for some viewers. Film ini menyatukan kombinasi cerita fiksi mesin waktu yang dibumbui dengan konsep perpetual story yang membuatnya sangat scientific namun dibahas dalam nada paradox yang tetap membuatnya terlihat fiksi. Diibaratkan sebagai Capillary Bowl nya Robert Boyle, film ini menampilkan satu ulangan waktu yang terbentuk menjadi sebuah siklus. “A snake that eats its own tail”. Sekilas dan secara keseluruhan mengingatkan pada 2012 Time Travel Saga, Looper. Film fiksi ilmiah dengan tema kriminalitas dengan adegan thriller dan suspense yang menjadi penguat cita rasa Predestination.

Predestination mengambil setting waktu antara tahun 1945 sampai 1993, range dekade yang cukup lebar ini mampu ditampilkan dengan sukses dalam tatanan production design yang khas dan bercita rasa sendiri pada tiap perbedaan waktunya. Terlebih, pusat pelatihan Space Corp yang mengambil set waktu tahun 70an menampilkan tema biru-putih yang mungkin terlihat bright light namun masih memiliki nuansa vintage yang tetap me70s kannya. Setingan bar di tahun 60an akhir juga merupakan satu bentuk visual sukses merepresentasikan masanya. Tatanan kostum juga merupakan hal vital yang juga sukses membuat Predestinantion sebagai sebuah film lintas dekade.

Scoring music, yang dari awal hingga akhir secara konsisten dan intense bernuasa “tergesa-gesa” dengan alunan beating drum dan denting jarum jam sangat pas dengan tema mesin waktu yang merepresentasikan waktu itu sendiri dan sangat membantu dalam membangun suasana pengeksekusian sebuah misi. Disisi lain, juga menciptakan sisi emosi dan dramatis yang membuat beberapa adegan tetap terasa suspensionnya namun dengan emosi melankolik dalam dramatisasinya.

Pengeksekusian karakter dari 3 tokoh sentral, Ethan Hawk, Sarah Snook dan Noah Taylor merupakan satu kombinasi permainan karakter yang masing-masing memainkan jiwa karakternya. Sarah Snook jelas memberikan satu ‘pengalihan’ dengan acting memukaunya namun Ethan Hawk juga tidak bisa dibilang biasa saja. Dan Noah Taylor, berhasil menjadi karakter yang tetap misterius namun masih memperlihatkan bahwa ialah yang menjadi otak dibalik semua cerita ini. Dan satu hal menarik tentang Predestination dan setiap karakternya adalah ada banyak ungkapan dikutipkan yang disispkan dalam naskah dialog namun dengan cerdik sebenarnya disembunyikan. Karena beberapa kutipan tersebut merupakan kunci dari cerita film secara keseluruhan.

Film’s Wrap Up
For spoilers!!!, predestinantion mengungkapkan kesimpulannya pada beberapa menit sebelum film usai. Bagi beberapa orang mungkin masih belum dengan mudah dimengerti, namun film ini berjalan pada timeline yang berputar dimana karakter Sarah Snook adalah versi mudanya karakter Ethan Hawk. Perkataan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki masa lalu, keluarga dan masa depan adalah karena mereka berasal dari satu jiwa yang sama. Adegan dimana Ethan Hawk berada di bar dan mengobrol dengan versi pria Sarah Snook merupakan upaya dia untuk mereset atau mengulang misinya yang belum berhasil mengungkap tentang ‘Frizzle Bomber’. Secara singkat, ia mengajak kembali versi muda (Sarah Snook) ke masa dimana ia masih menjadi wanita, disana secara jelas diperlihatkan bahwa ketiga karakter tersebut adalah sama namun dari tiga waktu yang berbeda. Dari sanalah ia mengirim kembali Sarah Snook ke masa mendatang untuk kembali memulai dari awal tugas nya. END!.

In the end, Predestination merupakan sebuah film yang membuat penontonnya menikmati satu adegan film bertema time-looping namun secara bersamaan menuntut mereka untuk berjibaku dengan teori-teori fisika yang sebenarnya disanalah cerita film ini berada. 85% Satisfying film!

Kamis, 20 November 2014

D'Wendis: A Sweet Disposition

Hey, i don't know how to start this up but i'm going to talk about culinary yihaaa. This is the first time actually, i never brought anything about places to eat here before, ended up in my blog but right now lets do it because we are now living in a generation where before we start eating foods or long before we even pray for it first we take a snap of it and moment after finished eating eat we talk about it. Alright, lets sum it up!

Tempat yang akan kita bicarakan bernama D'Wendis. Ini tempat makannya berlokasi ditasik ya, tepatnya di Jalan Galunggung tepat di belokan yang ke Jalan Selodrama. Buat orang-orang gawol disekitaran sini sepertinya tempat ini sudahlah tidak asing karena memang suda cukup lama mengudara (cieyh mengudara senah) bahkan sudah buka satu cabang lagi di BKR (tapi entah kenapa setiap lewat tutup mulu). Ok, D'Wendis ini adalah sebuah snack house dengan ciri khasnya "Martabak Eskrim", Martabak dengan toping macam-macam diatasnya dibubuhi sebongka h eskrim. Tidak terlalu unik memang tapi juga tidak biasa. Bagi penyuka makanan yang manis-manis ini merupakan tempat yang cocok dan wajib dicoba, apalgi penggila eskrim (me included) highly recommended lah! Menurut lidah pribadi ane, enak. Berapa enak? ratusaaaan.

Jelas ya, eskrim dan martabaknya itu harus dicoba terlebih dahulu, selain karena memang itu menu andalannya juga karena itu tuh bikin lidah kita loncat-loncat kemanisan hehe. Intinya, martabak eskrim nya recommended! Sedikit masukan aja, jadi di menunya itu kita bisa pesan martabak eskrim (martabak dan sudah ada eskrim nongol diatasnya) maupun a la carte, martabaknya doang, atau eskrim nya doang nah yang seru tuh pesen martabak originalnya sesuai rasa favorit kalian, lalu pesen eksrim nya lagi terpisan sesuai selera kalian tapi makannya sama-sama barengan. Sama sama tastes like heaven!

Oh ya, selain light meal martabak dan eskrim juga ada makanan lainnya yang asin, ada Sosis Bakar, Kentang Goreng, Makaroni Mabasa sampai makanan berat macam Nasi Goreng, Baso Goang, Mie Goreng dll. So, martabaknya itu bisa ditempatkan sebagai snack kalo buat yang cuma pengen ngemil atau sebagai dessert buat yang sambil makan berat (tapi aselinya, menurut pengalaman itu kenyang sekali).

Soal tempat, lokasi sudah jelas berada diarea downtown tasik, so lumayan ditengah-tengah lah easy access intinya! banyak jalan tikus kalo yang belon mengantongi sim haha. Untuk venue nya bisa dibilang nyaman menawarkan tiga macam tempat bisa di saung bambu, di tenda biru (gak warna biru juga si hehe) atau di indoor dalam ruangan dan kesemuanya itu lesehan. Tapi insyalloh bersih dan nyaman. Untuk pelayanan nya, standar aja si namun masih acceptable, ramah lah yah. Oh iya untuk parkir, dipinggir jalan si (lah iya, masa di tengah jalan!) biasa ada penjaganya kecuali jam 9 malem kesana, gratis.

Di Fix Atulah
Sedikit warning, disana gak menyediakan tissue on table. Untuk daftar menu tidak dilengkapi dengan harga. Masalah sepele si, tapi untuk beberapa orang kek gue ni berasa buta aja gitu lihat daftar menu dengan gambar-gambar menggodah tapi pricenya gak ada, so (sok) misterius kan. Kemudian masalah payment, masih manual dengan teteh kasir yang itu (yang mana? yang manis lah :D), kalo manualnya si oke aja cuman itu gak dikasih struk pembayaran. Masalah sepele juga, tapi saya personally struk itu essential lo dalam hal jual beli. Sebagai dokumentasi pembeli.

Soal makanan, belum nyoba semua si tapi yang udah dicoba dan lidah berkata (uhhh, wringkle my forehead). Kentng dan Sosis gorengnya agak berasa aneh, lebih ke tidak enak. Sama satu lagi, Hot Chocolate nya agak mirip kopi gitu. Kurang tau juga jenis cokelatnya apa tapi buat saya pribadi aga aneh. Yang laennya you guys just try out yourself :)

D'Wendis | Jl. Galunggung No. 34 | Twitter : dwendis | Home Address : dwendis | Contact: 081214730990 / 082121673839, 21196C5B | Open Hours: 12.00 - 22.00 |

Jumat, 14 November 2014

These Final Hours: A Dramatic And Chaotic Earth's Final Hours

Ketika satu bencana besar datang dan akan menghancurkan seluruh isi planet bumi apa yang mungkin orang akan lakukan ketika jam-jam terakhirnya? Could be anything. That's what "These Final Hours" story about, tentang kegetiran jam-jam terakhir sebelum planet bumi hancur, a total apocalypse. Ketika manusia berusaha meluapkan apapun yang ingin ia lakukan sebelum kehancuran datang, ketika sebagian menghadapinya dengan tangan terbuka, sebagian memilih tak melakukan apapun, sebagian memilih berpesta ria dan tak banyak yang memilih menyerah lebih awal, namun satu yang menyamakan kesemua manusia itu, yakni desperation.

These Final Hours merupakan film garapan sutradara Zak Hilditich yang tayang perdana pada 2013 lalu di Melbourne International Film Festival, dan theatrical release pada Juli tahun 2014 di Australia. Selain itu film ini discreening pada  ajang Cannes Film Festival pada bagian Directors' Fortnight Section 

One bloody thing about this film is that, if you are stranger to aussie accent you'll find such a cumbersome in getting what they really say, because its like they talk something so extremely shorter than what it is usually spoken in american, or british instead. Poor this film, there's still no Indonesia and even english subtitle uploaded. So as of now, you have to watch it subsless.

Films Wrap Up

These Final Hours sebuah film dengan basic story nya drama namun dibumbui dengan segala jenis rasa mulai dari scicence fiction apocalyptic nya sebagai latar belakang, thriller survival sebagai penguat emosi penonton dan sebuah romansa cinta di ujung waktu dunia sebagai benang merahnya. "I'm here!" film yang menampilkan cerita tentang seorang pria James (diperankan Nathan Phillips) tentang jam-jam terakhirnya di planet bumi yang harus bertarung dengan waktu dan kekacauan untuk menlong Rose (Angourie Rice) seorang anak kecil yang tak sengaja ia selamatkan dalam perjalanan untuk mengantarkannya pada sang ayah namun juga sebuah gejolak dalam dirinya (James) bertanya-tanya, where does he actually belong in this final hours of earth? or whom precisely.

Sebuah film yang politically clean, yang akan mengingatkan penonton pada beberapa nama besar blockbuster hollywood bertemakan sama, sebut saja Armageddon dan Deep Impact. Dan film "These Final Hours" ini seperti sebuah extended version dari pada climax film-film tersebut karena ceritanya yang langsung menusuk pada titik dimana manusia sudah harus dipaksa menyerah dengan meninggalkan penjelasan ilmiah sebagai sebabnya. Film yang kalau dipikir secara liar, akan mengingatkan kita pada beberapa kasus dan bagian dengan film serupa. Misal, untuk thrillernya seperti sebuah day version of The Purge, dan keputusasaannya seperti sebuah outdoor version of The Divide. Especially for the ending, its a total reminiscent of Deep Impact.Bukan maksud dibanding-bandingkan, hanya saja film ini benar-benar memiliki emosi kuat yang meramu semua kemungkinan rasa yang timbul dalam sebuah film yang bercerita tentang akhir dunia. Sedikit trivia, buat orang-orang yang gemar musik dance dan electronic semisal garapan Calvin Harris, David Guetta dan Zedd di bagian awal dan akhir film akan sedikit terasa seperti sebuah video klip musik, If you know, its like Guetta's Without You, Zedd's Find You dan/atau Calvin Harris' Under Control.

These Final Hours, sebuah film yang menampilkan sisi dramatic dan chaotic sebelum kehancuran bumi diracik dengan sederhana namun tidak kehilangan kemegahannya, membawa emosi penonton kedalam setiap alur ceritanya, scoring musik yang mendukung dan tidak berlebihan serta tone gambar yang bernuansa panas dan gerah semuanya menjadikan These Final Hours sebagai tontonan yang menghibur namun juga sekaligus menggusur. Menggusur penonton masuk ke dalam atmosfir filmnya. Film yang secara konsisten hanya mengambil lokasi di sebuah komplek suburbia di pesisir pantai Pert Australia ini mampu menampilkan cerita secara global sekaligus menjadikannya mudah bagi penonton masuk kedalam ceritanya, so easily and logically relatable.

This film is literally science fiction, but obviously a dramatic and realistic possibility about human's desperation. Worth to watch terutama di jam-jam hening. 85% fresh for your viewing pleasure. And Last, adult content and violence are things that you have to be awared of.

Kamis, 13 November 2014

#Instacool, Because Instagram Makes Everything Look Cool

Hello my fellow readers, siapa yang dijaman sekarang ini yang tidak menggunakan smartphone? some people probably have not. But here i'm not gonna talk about smartphone and its so called smart users, tapi sekarang hendak ngobrolin tentang fitur didalamnya, yang kata orang bilang bikin para penggunanya eksis. Yap, its instagram. Aplikasi berplatform android, ios dan windows ini kini menjadi aplikasi sosial media photo sharing paling populer sedunia. Aplikasi dengan tampilan GUI yang sederhana dan fitur yang tidak terlalu jelimet ini kini sudah digunakan oleh berbagai kalangan diseluruh dunia, mulai dari kalangan biasa, selebritis sampai ibu negara haha. Kontennya pun kini tak hanya sekedar foto-foto narsis melulu, tapi semakin bervariasi mulai dari kuliner, tempat wisata, kutipan-kutipan, meme-meme lucu, barang dagangan dan untuk sebagian kalangan misal seniman, fotografer dan bloger dijadikan tempat untuk menyebarkan hasil karyanya. Ditambah lagi dengan fitur untuk mengupload video berduarsi tak lebih dari 15 detik, kini instagram sudah layaknya cctv yang siap mengcapture segala titik di seluruh penjuru dunia.

Now, the question is: so what i'm gonna do now about it, about instagram? beberapa post beberapa waktu yang lalu, kalo judulnya instagram isinya tuh promosi! supaya orang orang follow ig gue, lah sekarang masih sama mau promosi juga tapi bukan punya gue (bae bener) haha. I don't know, i think that instagram has right to be called as current coolest app, and sometime i could spend hours hanging there, stalking someone's profile, looking for insipiration and its not a few that i got my eyes fully enchanted by some of the pages i looked up. So, i plan to post someone's profile which i have previewed it first, then if i think its cool and so inspiring and also worth followed, i'm going to #InstaCool it here. Is it ok? I wish it was, but just in case someday I post about your instagram and you feel a little bit uncomfortable about it, i openly welcome every reports and complain. But above all, there is no bad motives behind it, i just want to tell readers that "hey, this ig account is cool! you might wanna check out". That's it!

Film To Watch: A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night

"Hollywood is a symbol of blockbuster films, good films can come from anywhere"

A Persian language feature film which premiered at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival at a program called "Next" which is directed by Ana Lily Amirpour. A Vampire haunted horror-thriller film that's tagged as "The first Iranian vampire Western" and taking place in bizarre future city as "the Iranian ghost town Bad City" depicts the doings of "a lonesome vampire".

Interesting theatrical poster, promising title and worth waiting vampire in hijab(?). First i got my eyes caught in a bright red poster displaying a cartoon of cloaked creature that quite creepy for its simple look, then i got a full present tensed title, with A Girl as subject, Walks Home as verbs, Alone At Night as compliment. And last, i got a woman in hijab plays a character as a lonesome stalker dubbed as vampire. Interesting, promising and worth waiting!

Imdb's summary:
In the Iranian ghost-town Bad City, a place that reeks of death and loneliness, the townspeople are unaware they are being stalked by a lonesome vampire.
Ratings (as of Nov 14) :


Selasa, 11 November 2014

The Babadook: A Clash of Monster Within And Monster Around

TBH, The Babadook was the film i was dying to see after i found out that it's been universally acclaimed horror films. I didn't even see the trailer clip, i didn't read its synopis i was just giving my trust to those oranged stars appeared, i believe this film is good and i want to see it! YKW, i had just done watching the film, here's the review:

Films Wrap Up

Seperti biasa, masa lalu adalah salah satu bentuk dasar yang membentuk bagaimana kita nanti, atau sekarang. Traumatik, sulit untuk moving on dan terus terbayang-bayangi adalah titik dasar dari film ini. Yap, satu jiwa yang terus diselimuti oleh masa lalu yang tidak mengenakan membuat jiwa terasa mudah goyah dan berada dalam situasi sulit. "I need to sleep!", Amelia, seorang ibu yang harus berhadapan dengan masa lalu yang terus membayanginya tatkala ia harus ditinggal mati sang suami akibat kecelakaan tepat disaat ia hendak melahirkan anak nya, Samuel. Parahnya, justru semua kejadian menyakitkan itu tak bisa dengan mudah ditinggalkan sebagaimana Samuel yang selamat dilahirkan menjadi momok yang terus membawanya ke kejadian dimana ketika ia lahir dia pun kehilangan suaminya.

The Babadook adalah film horror yang menyuguhkan cerita dan tampilan visual yang saling menyulam satu sama lain. Bukan sekedar horror yang menakut-nakuti yang memusatkan Hantu (Monster as it appeard in the film) sebagai tema ceritanya melainkan menjadikan Monster sebagai simbol horror yang memberi efek takut dengan tema pusat cerita adalah karakter pemainya yang mana disini ditampilkan bahwa terkadang manusia sendiripun mampu menumbuhkan jiwa monster dalam dirinya.

Thanks to direcor Jennifer Kent yang telah mampu menghasilkan satu sajian film horror yang mana penonton diajak untuk memadu padankan emosi dan teror ketakutan. Kombinasi antara thriller psikologi dan supernatural yang tidak kehilangan kehorroran nya namun juga disisipkan rasa moral nya. Yes! The Babadook, cerita yang biasa namun terkesan berbeda. I'm satisfied, and the time i spent waiting to finally see this film is well worth it.

90% fresh! Thank you and Ba-ba-ba! Dook-dook-dook!

Housebound: A Seriously Head Kicker Film

When you watch a seriously thrilling film but you can't get enough thrilled instead of laughing on how obvious thrilling moments turn into some kind of ridiculiousity thats gonna shake your whole mind. Thats it! thats exactly what this film could poissibly described, a seriously funny one.

Wait, what's the film actually anyway is? haha, this is 'Housebound', a New Zealand comedy horror film released earlier this year. A directorial debut feature film by Gerard Johnstone and as well as writing it.  The film stars Morgana O'Rilley as a house arrested woman who finds supernatural experience in her mother's suspectedly haunted house.

As always, a film that i found on a movie hunting via briliantly generated machine named google had attracted me the most in almost no aspect of what internet might gives detail about it, except for the rates as it holds a 95% approval in rotten tomatoes gave me enough reason to have a will to give it a worth screening try. And one fact that the film is notably a horror with comedish flavor in it was a little bit 'wait up' for Housebound to get it soon storaged, but yeah lucky me and lucky Housebound it all meet together in a perfect daylight horror terror that doesn't take me down but in fact laughing me out quite loud.

Film's Wrap Up

Visually, Housebound is a pure horror film with actions and sequences that's gonna quite thrill you, set in a New Zaeland country side in an old house that really has a taste of being terrified. And the scoring as well, i find myself joy of watching the film is also because how the sound fx doesn't bother the authenticity of what horror films traditionally deliver, something that sounds cold, dark, mysterious but glorious.

Deepening the characters' portrayal may lead this film is successfully rewarded as comedy horror film. Yes, its human behaviours who always becomes the centers in a film that audience can easily interpret of whats emotion they feel along the film's running down. So as Housebound, characters plays key role in making it so successful about giving the audience the other taste that some may covering the part that they actually should be thrilled instead of being made laughing. Mrs. Mirriam Bucknell is surely the one that nailed it, she actually ruins some seriously thrilling actions and melt it down, I'm laughing quite hard seeing her along way down the film.

One last thing that complete this film is the plot itself, it has such a well done story writing, not just about easy to predict crap stories but a films that full of comedy but has story in it, and its quite complex. Before entering pre climax, i still have to guess of where the story may lead. But the more it goes on, the more the truth is revealed, no plot holes, everything is well executed. In the middle of the story, i find this film is a little bit combination of Shia LaBeouf's Disturbia and The Pact. But overall, what makes it so original is what conclude all the stories in the end, its beautifully terrified! and funny in between.

Last, personally i really like this film! so much!. Housebound is a film that whether you want to watch it seriously or too serious you will find yourself laughing and terrifying. It is really entertaining and scary in any ways you want. Really last, a little bit spoiling about the film's story, esp about some blood stream scene and its ending. If you're no stranger to Mario Maurer's ridiculous Sarane Siblor, be aware! you will find the famous same exact bloodbursting jokes!

Thats all, thank you! go watch the film because i'm rating its 90% worth to watch. I'm dismissed and see yaa :D

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Cinema In September 2014

Before october ends, I am gonna update my monthly post, cinema recap. As most of previous month there was one film I saw in 21 Cineplex, by the way talking about number of films i watch in cinema it is not actually a regular schedule that I will watch film in cinema once in a month, but it could be more or even none at all because importantly it all depend on first what's the playing film and secondly most essentially what's the wallet going on haha. Oh hey return to the topic, the film I watched last month was Lucy.

Lucy, a total science fiction film, or its not fiction at all i don't know starring Scar Jo a.k.a Scarlett Johanssen and Morgan Freeman. This film centers on a story of a young woman portrayed by Johanssen who as the ability of maximizing her brain's skill capcity after accidentaly caught by some kind of drug mafia portrayed by a koreanese Choi Min-Sik and radiated by sort of drug which is planted into her belly.

Firstly this film is as expected as how i was expecting it would be to have Scarlett there in the film, she is denfining herself as one of today's finest female action figure, then anything goes crazier beyond what me can handle. I don't know is it because my brain who cannot reach anything possible to what 100% brain capacity would be like or is it really that 'eghh' seeing what happen in the end of the film. But shortly, this film still has something to enjoy and learn from aside from its beyond unimaginable fiction flavor.

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

The Babadook, Previewing In Endless Desperate Waits


October nearly ends, but my curiosity not yet end as I get myself more and more freakingly dying to hope ASAFP to watch this sounds strange in name film, titled 'The Babadook'. An Australian horror film which is so far a mind blowing movie especially for its goers. And for me, as I anticipate it still is in the way to be mind-blown. At least thats supported by tons of ++ reviews and rates. Kalau ditanya, film apa yang paling dinanti nantikan dalam waktu dekat ini, jelas jawbannya 'the uprising of district 13 lead by katniss 'girl on fire' everdeen' The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1. Dan bersanding di sebelahnya adalah film yang satu ini.

Awal mulanya mengetahui film The Babadook ini adalah ketika sedang baca-baca online di blog seorang film reviewer rorypnm kemudian menemukan review film yang satu ini, seperti biasanya langsung di googling cek rating online dan hasilnya wow!ghoosebump.. Metacritic yang bisa dibilang sangat pelit dalam hal memberikan rating waktu itu memberikan 100 dari 100 poin untuk film ini. Jelas saja film ini membuat sangat penasaran dan tidak sabar. Namun itu dia, kesbaran sangat dituntut karena setelah browsing sana-sini termasuk di laman raksasa torrent kickass pun film ini masi ada di request list. Sebenarnya kalo dilihat dari release histroy, film ini rilis di Australia sana di awal tahun 2014, plus di singapura dan termasuk di Indonesia rilis sekitar bulan september. Namun sayang, di Indonesia pun film ini hanya tayang di jaringan bioskop Blitz sajah, menyebalkan! tau gitu aku ngincig ke bandung da. Dan untuk pemutaran di US dijadwalkan bulan Oktober ini, tapi masih belum jelas juga.

Ngobrolin cerita tentang film ini sebenernya agak males juga, soalnya jujur hal yang paling dibenci tentang sebuah film yang belum di tonton adalah 'spoilers', begitupun yang namanya teaser/trailer itu masuk dalam kategori perusak dan sebangsanya. Jadi, yang jelas film ini wajib ditonton! Tapi sekedar sinopsis, merujuk ke ringasan imdb, The Babadook tells:
A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.
Last, i hope this film will soon show up in 'jagad pertorentan or per idwsan'. So for everyone of you who might has access to this film or you know something to do with it please, i'm begging you to hit me up and tell me! Thats all, for the closing below is the trailer of the film (which i haven't watched it yet):

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

TBT #1: Sit In Program

Hello octobahh, hello everyone i'm wishing everybody a very good day :)
Digging up my old post archive, i remember that i had ever posted about the topic of TBT, and i said that i would be tbting in everyweek here in my blogspot, but poor me due to such an idiot reason, i couldn't have accomplished that until today. Hey, today? its not even Thrusday or tuesday, but whatever I just want to do a throwback thrusday on friday hehe.

For the first tagged post about TBT, i'd like to bring back my reminiscence two years ago, its exactly two years ago in early october 2012, i had such an extraordinary journey when i was being given a chance to go abroad for a campus' student exchange program. That program escorted me to visit Negeri Jiran Malaysia for a week along with other students which represented their branch campus throughout Indonesia.

The program was actually supposed to be a campus stay for few days, but for that time the head campus decided to set it like a study tour, so when we were there we visited numbers of top universities in Malaysia and of course we went to few of tourist attraction, i consider it as a bonus. Traveling along the country, visiting popular places, tasting local cuisine and meeting new friends, that was great, such a precious experience that i'll never know when will i get that kind of chance in the future.

Summary of the trip, i got to see lots of things that i never seen before (of course it was my first time visitng abroad, and malaysia). We went first to visit universities there, they were UPM (Univeristi Putra Malaysia) the campus streched out in a 10.000 square meters area outside KL downtown. wow!, then we went to UNITEN (Universiti Tenaga Nasional) its a private univeristy majoring in engineering, next we visited Berjaya College of Hospitality that its campus located in the 13th floor of Berjaya Times Square, Two other univerisites are UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) and UNISEL (Universiti Industri Selangor).

Besides doing a campus visit, the other fantastic thing we did is of course country tour, visiting main attraction and taking lots of pictures haha. Unarranged list, we went to these places:
  • KLCC
  • Putrajaya
  • Merdeka Square
  • Mesjid Negara
  • Batu Caves
  • Johor
  • Genting Highlands
  • Chinatown
  • Istana Negara
  • Singapore City Tour
From a total of a week, we had such a tight itineries. In a day we could spend hours and hours visiting places. Its quite tiring, but its so really fun. A lots of happines that i could get, experiences and lesson from our neighbor country which is i could said that they had one step ahead in some points. And one last point, FYI from all of those journeys, it produced more than a 20Gb photos and videos, insane!

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

Annabelle: Origin Story of Warren's Darling Doll

Parade October horror-thriller film dimulai dengan Annabelle reissuing. Filmny rilis lebih awal dibanding di US sana dan sampai Tasik pun tepat waktu. Sebenernya semenjak tau kalau Annabelle rilis awal oktober sudah direncanakan bahwa kalo udah tayang harus nonton dan akhirnya kesampean.

Film yang merupakan spin off dari box office hits tahun lalu The Conjuring ini memang cukup ditunggu tunggu. Jika menilik penampakannya di The Conjuring, jelas tokoh boneka setan ini sudah mencuri perhatian dan Warner Bross pun tak tunggu lama untuk segera mengangkatnya ke layar lebar sebagai sebuah spin off terbukti dengan proses produksi yang memakan waktu tak lebih dari satu tahun.

James Wan yang sebelumnya mendirect The Conjuring kini dalam Annabelle bertindak sebagai Producer dan bangku sutradara diisi oleh John R. Leonetti. Film berdurasi 98 menit ini dibintangi Annabelle Wallis dan Ward Horton sebagai sepasang suami istri yang mengalami berbagai teror gaib berbau satanic yang melibatkan Annabelle sebagai tokoh sentral sebagai mediumnya.

Film's Wrap Up
Secara umum tema cerita tidak terlalu berbeda dengan The Conjuring, yakni seputar kasus spiritual yang melibatkan sesosok mahluk jahat, setan. Dan mungkin bisa disinggung pada beberapa aspek dengan film Insidious. Dari sisi kehorroran, tidak diragukan lagi. Shock effect nya baik itu visual maupun audio sangat sukses membuat gaduh seisi studio, menyuguhkan sisi tradisionalitas sebuah film horror, yakni membuat penonton menahan nafas beberapa saat untuk kemudia boom! sound effect mengambil alih dengan sambarannya. Dari segi penceritaan, beberapa mungkin sedikit mengecewakan. Terutama pada bagian awal dan ending film. Sebenarnya, saya berharap ada penjelasan lebih mengenai sekte pemuja setan (apalah lupa lagi namanya) yang sebenarnya merupakan akar dari semua cerita horror Annabelle. Dan untuk masalah ending entah kenapa terasa sangat datar dan antiklimaks. Mungkin saya yang memang dalam sebuah film selalu bermasalah dengan endingnya, tapi rasanya apa yang terjadi diakhir terlihat terlalu didramatisir dan dipaksakan.

Overall personally, Annabelle sebagai sebuah spin off film memang tidak lebih bagus dari pada The Conjuring. Tapi sebagai sebuah film horror, it gives what horror film conventionally deliver. A terror to your soul. Its 70% worth to watch.

Selasa, 30 September 2014

Kenapa Aku Dianaktirikan?

Lately, i've been thinking that my blog is a little bit dull. Its so infertile in publishing new post in every month. And for me, as the one who manages it and the one who takes care of it be honest that for uncertain reason, i'm having trouble in keeping it posted and updated. Ideas are there to be widely displayed in my mind about what's the next post that interest me in sharing it, but yeah it is all about what i have to have first, intention is good as starter but if i never get to it, write it and do it its all nothing! Kemalasan, one bloody obstacle that i'm trying hard to deal with.

I feel really bad for this one, this blog has been one of my virtual homepage that i had made it back alive since few years backward. This blog is so personal and general at the same time. Despite its so quiet here, visitor traffic is nearly dead, any activities is so stricted but Im still favorited this place. These are some reasons that hold me on making this more alive:
  1. I have no energy, I'm so limited in sharing things, and I'm so undeniebly moody.
  2. I am a worst writer in narrating something in a good, flexible and open way. Directly writing about something right to the point is not my way.
  3. I didn't make a friendship here, have no relation and i rarely tell everyone, other bloggers to come and visit.
  4. I'm a severe perfectionst and dang picky, when i start writing materials to be published, then i can't stop reviewing it before its even published and once i think its so boring, i stop writing and it got wasted.
  5. Difficulity of expressing ideas and what i have in minds.
  6. I intend this blog to be public, but i'm still imprisoned in my privacy which limits the outputs.

If compared to what I have been doing lately with other stuff like, tumblr. surely this blog is being clearly and unfairly disfavored. Though they two are different sort of blog but still they were used to be my two faves. But still, both have been places i send out my writings but what makes it distinct is that if tumblr. is purposedly to be the place where literally poetic ones for, in blogging its more like a news post. Its like telling someone "Hey, lets talk about this, i like this because bla bla bla" while there its about telling something but equally hiding it such as: when i think i have crush for someone then i will say "i got stuck my mind on someone".

Jumat, 12 September 2014

Cinema In August 2014

Alright for the august edition I watched one film in cinema 21, it was Guardians of The Galaxy, the tenth film on Marvel Cinematic Universe, Film garapan sutradara James Gunn ini cukup ditunggu tunggu perilisannya, terutama beberapa minggu sebelum official release date di Indonesia. Pada perilisan trailer nya film ini tak terlalu begitu excited, mengira kalau film nya bakalan standar standar saja. Namun, ketika film resmi dirilis di US sana diikuti dengan rating beserta review yang sangat positif jadilah tingkat antisipasi memuncak dari hanya sekitar 50-70% menjadi 100% wajib nonton dan harus on time.

Dan, setelah film nya akhirnya nongol di sini, langsung cabut deh, kebetulan waktu itu milih jadwal yang sore dan ternyata studio nya gak penuh. Buat film nya sendiri worth to watch banget. Film dengan tampilan tone marvel yang khas dengan setting lokasi 99% berada di outerspace benar benar memberi satu rasa baru pada portofolio MCU series. Terlebih dalam soal isi film, karakter, VFX, musik dan plot nya benar benar mutually complete, 100% entertaining! Worth to wait buat sequel nya nanti 2017 mendatang.

Kamis, 11 September 2014

MDD Symptoms

Beberapa gejala yang dapat ditemukan adalah:
  • Menarik diri dari pergaulan atau lingkungan
  • Merasa sedih dan putus asa
  • Merasa tidak bertenaga, kurang semangat dan kekurangan motivasi
  • Kesulitan membuat keputusan
  • Merasa gelisah, mudah marah, dan mudah tersinggung
  • Makan lebih banyak atau lebih sedikit daripada biasanya
  • Tidur lebih banyak atau lebih sedikit daripada biasanya
  • Kesulitan berkonsentrasi
  • Gangguan daya ingat
  • Merasa bersalah atau merasa diri sangat buruk
  • Dipenuhi oleh amarah
  • Merasa bahwa anda tidak dapat mengatasi berbagai kesulitan atau masalah di dalam kehidupan anda
  • Kesulitan mengikuti pelajaran di dalam kelas atau menjalani kehidupan anda sehari-hari
  • Adanya pikiran untuk bunuh diri

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Cinema In July 2014

Halo August, halo people, my dearest readers :) Its been quite a while since the last I entry my post to this blog, due to unknown reason I got my eyes, my hands, and my minds on something else lately. But now, i finally can overcome my laziness and start this up. For the first in August, as previous months the first is about cinema archive for the film i watched in cinema last month which is in July.

For the July edition, i watched only one film in cinema and it was Dawn of The Planet of The Apes. Yap! back stories behind that film's watching was actually because at that times it was only few or probably none films that could blow my mind up which released in July. This second installment in Planet Apes reboot film is the only that attracted me the most, and knowing that i watched the first film which starred James France, so i wast sort of curious about what's next. And after i watched it, not bad! entertaining and satisfying. So, this film is not a disappointment.

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

Playlist: Volume 01

For all readers who might look for some new voices in musics, here are what songs i currently listen to. They generally newly released songs, and I can make sure if you have not so different taste in music with me it will fit you good. But overall, they are mostly kind of good songs to listen, easy to catch and hits everywhere. So, try some!

Movie Soundtracks:
  1. The First Time I Saw Your Face - Roberta Flack
  2. Time In A Bottle - Jim Croce
  3. Battle Cry - Imagine Dragons
Hot Shots:
  1. Problems - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea
  2. One - Ed Sheeran
  3. New Flames - Chris Brown ft. Usher & Rick Ross
  4. Ghost Story - Coldplay
  5. Already Home - A Great Big World
  6. Owl City - ULTRAVIOLET (EP)
  7. Sam Smith - IN THE LONELY HOURS (Album)***
  8. Josh Record - THE WAR (EP)
  9. Break Free - Ariana Grande ft. Zedd***
Electronic Dance Heat:
  1. Summer - Calvin Harris
  2. Wasted - Tiesto ft. Matthew Koma
  3. Red Lights - Tiesto
  4. A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay
  5. Glow In The Dark - The Wanted
  6. Ten Feet Tall - Afrojack ft. Wrabel
  7. Born To Run - Afrojack ft. Tyler Glenn
  8. The Spark - Afrojack ft. Spree Wilson
  9. Freedom - Afrojack ft. Jack McManus
  10. Sovereign Light Cafe - Afrojack
New Voices:
  1. Ten Feet Tall - Wrabel***
  2. Sideways - Wrabel
  3. Into The Wild - Wrabel
  4. Numbers - The Cab
  5. Comeback Kid - Against The Current***
  6. Pretty Wings - Zak Waters***
  7. You Lift Me Up - Mikey Wax
  8. Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer***
  9. This Girl - Stafford Brothers & Eva Simons ft. T.I.
  10. Virginia To Vegas - Colourful***
Chamber Pop Ease
  1. Gem Club - BREAKERS (Album)
  2. Perfume Genius - PUT YOUR BACK N 2 IT (Album)
Cover Fever
  1. Stay (Rihanna) - Thirty Seconds to Mars***
  2. Unconditionally (Katy Perry) - Alex Goot
  3. Say Something (A Great Big World) - Boyce Avenue ft. Carly Rose Sonenclar 
*** highly recommended

Kamis, 03 Juli 2014

Review: Break Free, Ariana Grande's Sophomore Problem!

Ariana Grande is a problem, she really is a grand problem for the music addict and beauty enthusiast. She's got the sexy, and the beauty and absolutely the talent. Her voice is undoubtedly grand. I have been knowing her ever since she released her debut album Yours Trully, but at that time i didn't really have interest to her. So i was just letting her passed by. Then everything is much greater in her recent projcet. Started with Problem, i didn't listen to it since the first it started to become hits everywhere, lately when i saw the music video then i realize that it is really a cool song.

Now, in her second song from her upcoming 'My Everything' record, I think i'm falling in love more to her. The song entitled 'Break Free' is setting to become something so magical that breaking everything free. I love it! I had actually known this duet project between her and the dangerous Zedd and i anticipate it so much that it would be a good song. And when it finally out yesterday, then I listen to it. Guess what? it is really a cool song that I'm wishing for.

The song which is produced by Zedd and Max Martin has definitely dance elements, and Ariana's voice is nothing but beautiful. This song has also pop taste as the edm on it doesn't dominate the music. So, it is really lightly easy to listen, the EDM input is good and just right. Crunchy and fresh!

Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

TBT, Lets Do It!

Hey readers, are you an instagrammers? or twips? or you both do? you may not be so strange to this, TBT. Yes, TBT or Throwback Thursday a twitter or instagram holiday hashtag which takes time every Thursday in every week. This is an opportunity for internet users to share their past by throwing it back and tweet it or post in instagram and its mostly posted as old photo followed by the hashtag TBT.

google's TBT description for keyword 'what is tbt'

I personally do it sometime in instagram in order to post old photo and to memorize the story behind it, its just for fun. Everyone does it, celebrities too so why don't i do it besides its also something which is good for me to post old photo but in the right time and moment. The intention of this post is actually to officially announce that i will bring the hashtag TBT into this blog, categorize it and post a throwing thursday post in every week (wish i could do that). As i say, its just for fun nothing serious except i just want to create a new unique features to my blog, and the content itself it doesn't have to be an old photo but anything relates to my past and its interesting enough to be shared, so guys keep on visiting and check out all my TBT posts.

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

Cinema In June 2014

Halo readers, halo July. For the first month post I'd like to bring out the cinema tickets that I've got in the previous month in June. And last month, total i went to Cinema for three times watching three different films with the same no one a.k.a alone. The films were X-Men DoFP (Again), Oculus and Transformer Age of Extinction.

The story behind rewatching X-Men DoFP was actually because I was too freaked out about the film, it was great, best X-Men film ever! So, i decided to watch it again solo, besides when the first i watched it i wasn't a little bit enjoying it because i went to studio quite late, the film had already been begun and i got the front seat which made me realize that watching film in cinema and get a seat in the few front rows is sucks, the film is not looking good and the neck is not good too. So, never gonna do that again.

The second film i watched was Oculus, i was actually anticipating this film since the first i knew so when it finally hit local theatre I decide to watch it. But the film unfortunately left me something not so good, i mean i didn't think it was the film, horror kind of film i would love to see in Cinema. Its good, it has good thrilling actions, but the horrors i want more than just a back and forth plots.

The last, the most surprisingly film I watched in Cinema is Transformer 4, Age of Extinction. Transformer things has never been film i would to see in Cinema or even in my laptop because i'm not really a fan of it. But when it comes to this film, I was impressed to see the trailer, so i was attracted to watch it. But anw, knowing that i didn't follow the story of the first three prequels so i decide to watch this as an entertainment only, enjoying the action and remarkable visual effects. No serious feelings.

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Interact Me Through CBOX

Whatsup fellow readers, buat yang ingin bertanya, menyapa, berkenalan atau sekedar say hai pada pemilik blog yang gokil tapi dekil ini sekarang sudah ditambahkan widget window real time chat di sisi sidebar paling bawah. Thanks to CBOX yang sudah menyediakan aplikasi tersebut secara gratis.

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Buat kalian yang mau pasang widget nya di blog nya, gampang tinggal registrasi di SINI, terus ikuti instruksi selanjutnya.

Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

EPs In Late June

Coldplay is my fave, I love them!, Owl City is always one of my greatest joyful i find in music and Wrable is the one i indroduce earlier this month that i really looking forward to his musics. So, what if all of those three produce their latest music at around the same time in the edge of June? man! i barely can even breathe, best June ever!. Because it comes true, Coldplay released A Sky Full of Stars EP, Owl City with his new EP Ultraviolet and Wrabel the one that i'm so excited the most just gave me his debut EP Sideways. Here are the details:

1. Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars

This song has previously released by the band as the second single from their recent album Ghost Stories, and as it came out, i was thrilled and i love the song. I also wrote its review Here. A Sky Full of Stars EP features three exclusive songs, alongside the previously-unavailable radio edit of A Sky Full of Stars. The EP released on June 29, 2014 by Parlophone. One new colplayish song that i like is Ghost Story as well as the O reprise, the outro of the original version.

2. Owl City - Ultraviolet

The EP features the song Beautiful Times featuring Lindsey Stirling and the other three songs. I have previously listened to Beautiful Times and i think the song just reminds me of Adam's past work like Ocean Eyes and Maybe I'm Dreaming. Every song in Ultraviolet never leave Owl City taste, they're just what Owl City sounds like and i like it. The mini album released on June 27 by Republic Records.

3. Wrabel - Sideways

The first i knew him was from Afrojack's Ten Feet Tall which is originally his song, I like him and his musical type so I wrote him an Introduction in my post Here. At that time i really can't wait for his upcoming projects and last night i just know that He has just released a debut LP Sideways, damn i missed it for few days. It was released in June 24 (which is my birthday). It features 4 songs including Ten Feet Tall his original version. The three other songs are a bit different from Ten Feet Tall as they get so much rnb taste. Sideways and Into The Wild are good ones.

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

First 3D First Transformers

I'm not a huge fan of Transformers, neither the film nor the series. I watched one of its 3 prequels but i forget which one, the film which sets in egypt, yea! the transformers film i ever watched. And you know what? i didn't enjoy that. I don't know, transformers is sort of film which has the elements that i should love it. I mean its a sci-fi kind of films, full action, remarkable visual effect. Indeed it is, but it just doesn't work to me.

Then, when the forth film is coming to cinema and surprisingly arrives on time in town's 21 due to is early release in Indonesia and Philippines, I'm like dragged into the euphoria and the fact that Transformers is a regular blockbuster film which attracts so many viewers to go see it, i think i'm one of them now for this film. To get the ticket itself, i'm surprised that i willing to buy the late schedule 21.30 showing. I first planned to watch at the nightfall, but since its so sold out i decided to buy the last schedule to pay off my curiosity and shove with the others.

The curiosity about this film was first come when i watch the preclip trailer when I watched Edge of Tomorrow, at that time i was quite impressed to see the visual effects. And, seeing Stanley Tucci reminded me of him in DWP and Caesar Flickerman in Hunger Games. So, when the film arrived on time i decide to watch it and to be honest, the intention is just for having fun, seeing action movies with good visual effect without really questioning the plot and character that i'm nearly blind about it at all.

Flash Review

For some action seeker, suspense sequences, incredible 3d visual effects and the 'hottess' of Tessa, transformer will seriously satisfy the movie goers. From the very first to the end it contains such a high tense action with wow and thrilling visual. Every robot transformation is cool, the dinobots are so giants, the destruction of the city is scary but cool and the humor, yea the humor is making some 'idiots' viewer laugh for like so noise.

But, this film is actually just worth watching for entertainment only, i mean i'm not trying to judge this by saying this is actually a bad film, no! i don't say that. But according to the reviews that i read from wiki of which they give the film negative responses, i think i'm on their side that there're lots of cinematic problem in the Transformers Age of Extinction, like the acting, the story deepening and the character building. But as i say, i only intended to watch for entertainment only i think i could get that. Transformer 4 is entertaining.

And the fact that i watch this film in 3D viewing makes it quite interesting, because embarrassingly that was my first 3D film i watch at cinema 21, that's not because i don't want to but 3D is rarely coming here, that's sad but after i finally tried it, i think its not so much different with the traditional 2D pictures unless we wear a 3D glasses. There are many things that didn't come to my expectation. The 3D taste is only a few, the screen is too small, the audio and the 3D glasses is too thick makes it quite heavy. But, anyway i can finally gave it a taste and any lacks of it i can still understand it.

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

Review: In The Lonely Hour From Sam 'Soulful' Smith

Have you guys ever heard name of him, Sam Smith? if not, you desperately need some updates in your list to listen. Sam Smith, a British, a singer with his soulful voice. Me, honestly i first knew his musics back in few days after knowing his song 'Stay With Me' was climbing into the top ten list of US Billboard Hot 100. The ballad that takes me into more curiosity of what more he has in his musical literacy. The singer is closely to be named as the male version of Adele by several online medias, as his deep meaningful songs which is generally taken from the real life experience and his pure voice just make it feel so good.

"In The Lonely Hour" is Sam Smith's debut LP, an album which is consistently listed with songs about unrequited love. Time.com wrote on its review "In fact, it isn’t about loneliness at all, it’s about the painful, unavoidable desire for suffocating closeness fostered by unrequited love.". I can say that this is the album that i enjoy mostly of the song on my playlist. Every of its track has the same taste of his signature voice, they maintain listener to really relate a feeling when they are dealing with one-sided love all of in most of the songs. And the thing about male version of Adele, i think he's really an Adele-icous singer. The composition, lyrical, contemporary adults songs are all identical to her and directly reminding me of 21.

I really recommend this LP to all the readers who have an ultimate taste in kind of soul music, deep lyric and lovesick to deal with. The best lineup for me is started from the sublime 'Stay With Me' to 'Restart', i really enjoy that array and i can do for multiple loops on that songs. And one song which sounds so juggernaut in this album is track number 8, Life Support. My most fave one!