

Welcome to my blog! and you are at the About page right now, this will tell you the furthur information about "what the hell is this about?". According to the history of this blog, this was first created to share, to inform, to tell, to expand, to distribute, to spread, to give, to post and any other words describe "an activity to transfer "things" from me to the world by converting them into writings". Got it? well, here are some major elaborations. After the jump!

In case you dislike History at school, you better skip this! Shortly, this blog was first created in May 2009, when I was still at Senior School, I was a Vocational High School Student at that time. First created intentions? Unknown! don't ask that, it was too long and i forgot about it long ago.

A few moments after the creation, there was a long void period of blogging time. As you can see on the Archives, there were no posts between mid 09 until the end of 2011. Mati suri pemirsah! Blog nya gue gantung for almost 2,5 years. The reasons was obscure. I think I was boring at that time and got no plenty of time i spent on internet, and maybe i was too busy with school (sekolah apa nguli, sibuk banget!).

In early '12, I woke up from long sleeping beauty and I rose from the death and live this thing up. I started to post, made some decorations and become an active user right until now. Before March 19 2014, this blog was first addressed "natnatminds.blogspot.com" before changed it with the current url. Besides the name, color theme and header image was previously different. It was more to green and header was my photo (narsis gila!). But it was replaced as the address was renamed.

Behind The Address
There is no specific backgrounds following the naming of this blog, "tantancuap.blogspot.com" is a FIXED PRICE. "tantancuap" itself is like jargon of me, its been my signature since few long ago. Its everywhere, its on my facebook, my twitter, my tumblr, my heello, my plurk, my instagram, my bbm and my path. Its unique, antique, easy to remember and everybody knows and likes it. Do you?

TNCP is the blog synopsis for the name tantancuap. A little bit trivia behind it and header image, as you can see it is a picture of top of empire state bulding with the name "TNCP" on it. the "NC" which is written exactly in the building refers to "NEWYORK CITY". And Newyork City along with its Empire State Building is the grand masterpiece I admire. Philosophically Empire State Building and the name TNCP on it means that someday I'm gonna stand tall, taller than the others as Empire State Building is the highest sturcture in Newyork. Thats it! (Aminin dong :)).

List of Contents:
As of now, there are 20 different catagories on this blog which is once tagged on every published post. Here are the 20 Categories:

1. Artikel
It elaborates some kind of topics, talks about the most happening news, trend or anything I care about.

2. Cinema
It files documentation about what films I watched in Cinema, not so important but still interesting.

3. Distro Zone
It tells you cool place for shopping. Worth a visit!

4. Download
Download a.k.a unduh! can be anything.

5. Dream
Personal Stuff, things i want to accomplish, places i want to go and goods i want to have.

6. e-Book
e-Book a.k.a electronic book, get here if you are smart-less!

7. Edisi Curhat
Personal Stuff, I recommend you to skip this one. Wasting time and money on internet you connect. I'm afraid all the grumbles here were talking about you, can happen!

8. Favorit
This is about my favorit in everything.

9. Film Info
Talks about film, released or ureleased, good or suck, just check the hell it out if you are a moviefreak!

10. Info Unik
Info yang unik - unik. Menurut gue!! gatau menurut lo! so jangan nyewot!! eh, kayaknya gue yang nyewot! sorry nyet.

11. Islami
Things about Islam. Insyalloh bermanfaat, Alhamdulillah yah :D

12. Kutipan
Kutipan alias Quotation, good for live and for you health.

13. Mine
Mine = my stuff, barang-barang gue!! pokoknya this is totally about me.

14. Musik
Information about musics and its maker. If you're a musicfreak try this one out but if you are not, poor you!

15. My Playlist
This contains list of songs which is currently listed on my playlist. "Music is the soundtrack of mylife!".

16. My Socio Network
List of social network i socially registered, can also be found in the "Social" page in the upper sidebar of this blog.

17. My Stuff

18. My Watchlist
List of films i have watched or i want to. Can be a recommendation for you.

19. News
News ya berita. udah gitu aja, thats it!

20. Style Info
This is one of my fave, talking about being good looking and being cool and handsome. Read this category if you are bad looking (kidding).

Rules And Regulations
1. Jangan naksir gueh
2. Jangan stalk-in gueh
3. Jangan mikirin gueh
4. If you do one of those three things above, I have noting to do with it.
5. Leave some comments
6. Leave some reactions
7. Follow this blog
8. Add me to your circle
9. Dateng lagi next time.
10. 5 last rules above are a must! WAJIP! remember wajib is something that you cannot can't do.

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