Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

TBT, Lets Do It!

Hey readers, are you an instagrammers? or twips? or you both do? you may not be so strange to this, TBT. Yes, TBT or Throwback Thursday a twitter or instagram holiday hashtag which takes time every Thursday in every week. This is an opportunity for internet users to share their past by throwing it back and tweet it or post in instagram and its mostly posted as old photo followed by the hashtag TBT.

google's TBT description for keyword 'what is tbt'

I personally do it sometime in instagram in order to post old photo and to memorize the story behind it, its just for fun. Everyone does it, celebrities too so why don't i do it besides its also something which is good for me to post old photo but in the right time and moment. The intention of this post is actually to officially announce that i will bring the hashtag TBT into this blog, categorize it and post a throwing thursday post in every week (wish i could do that). As i say, its just for fun nothing serious except i just want to create a new unique features to my blog, and the content itself it doesn't have to be an old photo but anything relates to my past and its interesting enough to be shared, so guys keep on visiting and check out all my TBT posts.

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