
I Prefer virtual interaction to real communication, I spend so much of my time like, writing, tweeting, pinging, tumblring and i make poetry sometimes. I like social media despite in some case i need some times to not socially interact with the people there, it is crazy i know how I ban myself even from doing it but leave it! We're here not to talk about how weird and complicated my self is but we're here, i'm here to give you all the possible access through my life, my world.

Facebook is sosmed sejuta umat. I was growing up with that and it was my first ever social media account. But unfortunately since the past few months i shut it down, not deactivate it but more like freeze it. I check up on it sometime, but i don't make updates. And to be underlined, with all due respect to all of you I'm no longer accepting friend request. I'm sorry to say that, you can just take a look at my facebook page HERE and you can also see the widget in the sidebar in your right side. If you insist to be updated if someday i come back to be an active user, you are pleased to follow.

I'm sorry guys, my twitter is on freezing mode on, not so different with facebook but if you are really new to my twitter you can't expect anything because i lock it up. Twitter is fun, but for now as a matter of privacy and some other classified reason i'm no longger tweeting until uncertain time i can't tell for how long but don't worry i'll keep you guys informed as soon as i decide to be an active user again and unlock it.

Damn I so much love tumblr.! this is the account i've been dying to keep it up since the first i created it in 2011. I post quite regular down there and I post lots of things, many kinds and just so multicolor. Its one of my public stuff, open follow and i'm glad if come visit. Click THIS!

Heello is great, i love to spend time there but i'm not sure people will understand about everything i ping there because embarrasingly it all just talk about matter of heart. Uwooo, yap! it is place for the melancholic side of me. But if you are interested to check out, oh please its HERE. But please, don't you have some sigh minds right after you saw everything i ping there that i am such a 'lembek-cengeng-banyak ngeluh', please. Its human being side of me, kadang saya 'rapuh'.

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