Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Blogger Energy For Personal Blogger Community

I have a recommendation for all the readers who want to be in the middle of the people with the same interest, as a blogger. Its called 'Blogger Energy' a forum spesifically intented for personal blogger. When i say personal, it means really personal. So if you're just kind of blogger type for fun without having intention and foundation of what are you writing about please, stay away from that forum and from this post as well.
The story which led me into the forum is actually reffered from someone's blog and as well as the forum memeber of which i found the blog from google, so the story is actually started from google. After i did a little bit research about the forum itself, i can say that its quite a good and fun community. The membership of the forum is highly qualified by few rules and qualification including your blog must be a personal type of blog, remember! must be. And for the registration, its free i think but you have to fill the form and create a posting about 'Personal Blogger Greeting' then you insert it into the form then you submit the registration. The BE team will overview your blog and if they think its fine you will be accepted but only on date of 9th every month.
If you're then accepted, there seem to be lots of thing you can do. And one of the most interesting thing is that the blog has its own kopdar agenda, but regionally. So, you may find another blogger near your neighborhood and if there's a kopdar schedule you can join. You can also meet with ohter blogger throughout indonesia and i can say that some of them (whom their blog i already gave a visit) are such a good writer.
Me myself was first intersted in joining the group, but since i found that i'm just type of 'blogger' i mean i don't think i'm qualified enough to be in that forum, espcially i'm not a very good writer, i don't post poets, novel, stories, fiction or any other literature work at least here in my blog. So i decided to put my registration on hold though i have already made my 'Personal Blogger Greeting' article. Haha i'm too afraid. But hey, if you think you want to join please do. Its gonna be good for you. For the complete information just log to its official blog HERE, and their social network FACEBOOK (Closed Group) and TWITTER (If you have few questions). Okay thats all the recommendation from me, happy blogging and happy registering :D wish your blog luck!


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