Senin, 17 Februari 2014


happy february guys!
its february mid and I'm going to post about 'it' thing, something that everyone might be using it right now, bbm. yap, regard to its latest version which is compatible with ginggerbread android platform everybody seem using it right hell now. But to be honest, swear to neptunus I'm not going to make this as a (direct) promotion, tell everyone to invite me or anything else. My phone is android and its 2.3 gingerbread operated system, indeed it is. And i just installed it few couple days ago and it works.
I was actually never really get so much interest about chatting via bbm, in fact i never had any blackberry phone nor blueberry phone neither, lol. And especially i'm type of self ass-centered person (u can say that) that i can be so darn passive and quiet as cemetery about having some chatting apps, i mean i don't really like saying hai to people that much, if there's nothing matter. So, the moment when they finally released it for android I wasn't that happy and the fact that it was only for jb or higher android i didn't care at all even more. But doesn't also mean that I hate bbm or I commit to not ever use it, because you know what? some people act shits, some bbm user ask everybody in the world like everyone has pin number and they ask "may I have your pin?", when someone did that to me, i was a little pissed off then thinking that i probably had to have it.
And now, i already got my pin but yet I didn't tell it to the world so since it was installed i haven't got any contacts in it. Because i don't know who should i tell first? eventhough my whole close friends've been using it. So, drop it in twitter? or instagram? lame!! or spelling it via facebook status? ewww!! thats not my style anymore! so I guess i will just shut my self up and see, who will ask first, FOR NOW.

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