First lets do it my way or i call 'cool'; i'm sorry for abandoning you for quite a time, i left you hanging for several months and left you in such a blank spaces for several monthly archived. So what the hell is wrong? alirght explanation ahead.
Now, lets do it the traditional way; Wah, beberapa bulan blog dianggurin, alhasil 3 bulan berturut-turut arsip blong dan kosong, disayangkan memang, terlalu banyak hal untuk dibagi kadang malah jadi bingung dan gatau harus mulai dari mana, dan kebanyakan 'pembatas' atas eksplorasi diri terhadap suatu postingan lebih parahnya membuat blog ini terasa semakin tenggelam, usang, membosankan dan kaku.
Last, the so cool way; Hello guys! udah lama nih gue gak update blog gara-gara sibuk gituh. Banyak sebenernya materi dan bahan buat dibikin postingan cuma gue gatau kenapa kemaren-kemaren malah jadi berasa males buat ngurus ni anak satu. Entahlah, rasanya ini blog bukan gue banget! Sekilas, kalo liat orang ngeblog post ini itu, cerita ini itu panjang lebar, bisaan banget ya lah gue mau cerita lebar dikit aja susahnya minta ampun, ni otak gue gak ngasih ruang buat gue terbuka, dikit aja gitu. So, gara-gara nya gue jadi lebih aktif dan mencurahkan jiwa rasa di tempat laen, di tumblr gue. So damn hufness tapi ya at least gue comeback!
So, the explanation goes to 'self expression' and 'self boundary'. To do whatever i'm used to do here feels so out of myself. Blogging and being blogger is all about sharing and open some covered part of a human then give it to the world BUT in a concrete and narrative way. But the way i write is the opposite, i am a bloody faker that give story in an obscure writing and made it melancholic and bloody poetic.
Did i make 'blogging' as minimize as i earlier said that blogging is about being clear, to the point and story in narrative. Probably! For the sake of god forgive me for being so small and discriminative about whatever it is i said, but just to be honest i have for like still uncounted but i'm sure its qute many pieces of writing that i worte but they go nowhere but stay safe or imprisoned indise my hard drive within numbers of .txt files and some are on my three note books for real, whatever! im back for good!.