Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Cinema In September 2014

Before october ends, I am gonna update my monthly post, cinema recap. As most of previous month there was one film I saw in 21 Cineplex, by the way talking about number of films i watch in cinema it is not actually a regular schedule that I will watch film in cinema once in a month, but it could be more or even none at all because importantly it all depend on first what's the playing film and secondly most essentially what's the wallet going on haha. Oh hey return to the topic, the film I watched last month was Lucy.

Lucy, a total science fiction film, or its not fiction at all i don't know starring Scar Jo a.k.a Scarlett Johanssen and Morgan Freeman. This film centers on a story of a young woman portrayed by Johanssen who as the ability of maximizing her brain's skill capcity after accidentaly caught by some kind of drug mafia portrayed by a koreanese Choi Min-Sik and radiated by sort of drug which is planted into her belly.

Firstly this film is as expected as how i was expecting it would be to have Scarlett there in the film, she is denfining herself as one of today's finest female action figure, then anything goes crazier beyond what me can handle. I don't know is it because my brain who cannot reach anything possible to what 100% brain capacity would be like or is it really that 'eghh' seeing what happen in the end of the film. But shortly, this film still has something to enjoy and learn from aside from its beyond unimaginable fiction flavor.

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

The Babadook, Previewing In Endless Desperate Waits


October nearly ends, but my curiosity not yet end as I get myself more and more freakingly dying to hope ASAFP to watch this sounds strange in name film, titled 'The Babadook'. An Australian horror film which is so far a mind blowing movie especially for its goers. And for me, as I anticipate it still is in the way to be mind-blown. At least thats supported by tons of ++ reviews and rates. Kalau ditanya, film apa yang paling dinanti nantikan dalam waktu dekat ini, jelas jawbannya 'the uprising of district 13 lead by katniss 'girl on fire' everdeen' The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1. Dan bersanding di sebelahnya adalah film yang satu ini.

Awal mulanya mengetahui film The Babadook ini adalah ketika sedang baca-baca online di blog seorang film reviewer rorypnm kemudian menemukan review film yang satu ini, seperti biasanya langsung di googling cek rating online dan hasilnya wow!ghoosebump.. Metacritic yang bisa dibilang sangat pelit dalam hal memberikan rating waktu itu memberikan 100 dari 100 poin untuk film ini. Jelas saja film ini membuat sangat penasaran dan tidak sabar. Namun itu dia, kesbaran sangat dituntut karena setelah browsing sana-sini termasuk di laman raksasa torrent kickass pun film ini masi ada di request list. Sebenarnya kalo dilihat dari release histroy, film ini rilis di Australia sana di awal tahun 2014, plus di singapura dan termasuk di Indonesia rilis sekitar bulan september. Namun sayang, di Indonesia pun film ini hanya tayang di jaringan bioskop Blitz sajah, menyebalkan! tau gitu aku ngincig ke bandung da. Dan untuk pemutaran di US dijadwalkan bulan Oktober ini, tapi masih belum jelas juga.

Ngobrolin cerita tentang film ini sebenernya agak males juga, soalnya jujur hal yang paling dibenci tentang sebuah film yang belum di tonton adalah 'spoilers', begitupun yang namanya teaser/trailer itu masuk dalam kategori perusak dan sebangsanya. Jadi, yang jelas film ini wajib ditonton! Tapi sekedar sinopsis, merujuk ke ringasan imdb, The Babadook tells:
A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.
Last, i hope this film will soon show up in 'jagad pertorentan or per idwsan'. So for everyone of you who might has access to this film or you know something to do with it please, i'm begging you to hit me up and tell me! Thats all, for the closing below is the trailer of the film (which i haven't watched it yet):

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

TBT #1: Sit In Program

Hello octobahh, hello everyone i'm wishing everybody a very good day :)
Digging up my old post archive, i remember that i had ever posted about the topic of TBT, and i said that i would be tbting in everyweek here in my blogspot, but poor me due to such an idiot reason, i couldn't have accomplished that until today. Hey, today? its not even Thrusday or tuesday, but whatever I just want to do a throwback thrusday on friday hehe.

For the first tagged post about TBT, i'd like to bring back my reminiscence two years ago, its exactly two years ago in early october 2012, i had such an extraordinary journey when i was being given a chance to go abroad for a campus' student exchange program. That program escorted me to visit Negeri Jiran Malaysia for a week along with other students which represented their branch campus throughout Indonesia.

The program was actually supposed to be a campus stay for few days, but for that time the head campus decided to set it like a study tour, so when we were there we visited numbers of top universities in Malaysia and of course we went to few of tourist attraction, i consider it as a bonus. Traveling along the country, visiting popular places, tasting local cuisine and meeting new friends, that was great, such a precious experience that i'll never know when will i get that kind of chance in the future.

Summary of the trip, i got to see lots of things that i never seen before (of course it was my first time visitng abroad, and malaysia). We went first to visit universities there, they were UPM (Univeristi Putra Malaysia) the campus streched out in a 10.000 square meters area outside KL downtown. wow!, then we went to UNITEN (Universiti Tenaga Nasional) its a private univeristy majoring in engineering, next we visited Berjaya College of Hospitality that its campus located in the 13th floor of Berjaya Times Square, Two other univerisites are UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) and UNISEL (Universiti Industri Selangor).

Besides doing a campus visit, the other fantastic thing we did is of course country tour, visiting main attraction and taking lots of pictures haha. Unarranged list, we went to these places:
  • KLCC
  • Putrajaya
  • Merdeka Square
  • Mesjid Negara
  • Batu Caves
  • Johor
  • Genting Highlands
  • Chinatown
  • Istana Negara
  • Singapore City Tour
From a total of a week, we had such a tight itineries. In a day we could spend hours and hours visiting places. Its quite tiring, but its so really fun. A lots of happines that i could get, experiences and lesson from our neighbor country which is i could said that they had one step ahead in some points. And one last point, FYI from all of those journeys, it produced more than a 20Gb photos and videos, insane!

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

Annabelle: Origin Story of Warren's Darling Doll

Parade October horror-thriller film dimulai dengan Annabelle reissuing. Filmny rilis lebih awal dibanding di US sana dan sampai Tasik pun tepat waktu. Sebenernya semenjak tau kalau Annabelle rilis awal oktober sudah direncanakan bahwa kalo udah tayang harus nonton dan akhirnya kesampean.

Film yang merupakan spin off dari box office hits tahun lalu The Conjuring ini memang cukup ditunggu tunggu. Jika menilik penampakannya di The Conjuring, jelas tokoh boneka setan ini sudah mencuri perhatian dan Warner Bross pun tak tunggu lama untuk segera mengangkatnya ke layar lebar sebagai sebuah spin off terbukti dengan proses produksi yang memakan waktu tak lebih dari satu tahun.

James Wan yang sebelumnya mendirect The Conjuring kini dalam Annabelle bertindak sebagai Producer dan bangku sutradara diisi oleh John R. Leonetti. Film berdurasi 98 menit ini dibintangi Annabelle Wallis dan Ward Horton sebagai sepasang suami istri yang mengalami berbagai teror gaib berbau satanic yang melibatkan Annabelle sebagai tokoh sentral sebagai mediumnya.

Film's Wrap Up
Secara umum tema cerita tidak terlalu berbeda dengan The Conjuring, yakni seputar kasus spiritual yang melibatkan sesosok mahluk jahat, setan. Dan mungkin bisa disinggung pada beberapa aspek dengan film Insidious. Dari sisi kehorroran, tidak diragukan lagi. Shock effect nya baik itu visual maupun audio sangat sukses membuat gaduh seisi studio, menyuguhkan sisi tradisionalitas sebuah film horror, yakni membuat penonton menahan nafas beberapa saat untuk kemudia boom! sound effect mengambil alih dengan sambarannya. Dari segi penceritaan, beberapa mungkin sedikit mengecewakan. Terutama pada bagian awal dan ending film. Sebenarnya, saya berharap ada penjelasan lebih mengenai sekte pemuja setan (apalah lupa lagi namanya) yang sebenarnya merupakan akar dari semua cerita horror Annabelle. Dan untuk masalah ending entah kenapa terasa sangat datar dan antiklimaks. Mungkin saya yang memang dalam sebuah film selalu bermasalah dengan endingnya, tapi rasanya apa yang terjadi diakhir terlihat terlalu didramatisir dan dipaksakan.

Overall personally, Annabelle sebagai sebuah spin off film memang tidak lebih bagus dari pada The Conjuring. Tapi sebagai sebuah film horror, it gives what horror film conventionally deliver. A terror to your soul. Its 70% worth to watch.