Lately, i've been thinking that my blog is a little bit dull. Its so infertile in publishing new post in every month. And for me, as the one who manages it and the one who takes care of it be honest that for uncertain reason, i'm having trouble in keeping it posted and updated. Ideas are there to be widely displayed in my mind about what's the next post that interest me in sharing it, but yeah it is all about what i have to have first, intention is good as starter but if i never get to it, write it and do it its all nothing! Kemalasan, one bloody obstacle that i'm trying hard to deal with.
I feel really bad for this one, this blog has been one of my virtual homepage that i had made it back alive since few years backward. This blog is so personal and general at the same time. Despite its so quiet here, visitor traffic is nearly dead, any activities is so stricted but Im still favorited this place. These are some reasons that hold me on making this more alive:
- I have no energy, I'm so limited in sharing things, and I'm so undeniebly moody.
- I am a worst writer in narrating something in a good, flexible and open way. Directly writing about something right to the point is not my way.
- I didn't make a friendship here, have no relation and i rarely tell everyone, other bloggers to come and visit.
- I'm a severe perfectionst and dang picky, when i start writing materials to be published, then i can't stop reviewing it before its even published and once i think its so boring, i stop writing and it got wasted.
- Difficulity of expressing ideas and what i have in minds.
- I intend this blog to be public, but i'm still imprisoned in my privacy which limits the outputs.
If compared to what I have been doing lately with other stuff like, tumblr. surely this blog is being clearly and unfairly disfavored. Though they two are different sort of blog but still they were used to be my two faves. But still, both have been places i send out my writings but what makes it distinct is that if tumblr. is purposedly to be the place where literally poetic ones for, in blogging its more like a news post. Its like telling someone "Hey, lets talk about this, i like this because bla bla bla" while there its about telling something but equally hiding it such as: when i think i have crush for someone then i will say "i got stuck my mind on someone".