Senin, 30 Juni 2014

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Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

EPs In Late June

Coldplay is my fave, I love them!, Owl City is always one of my greatest joyful i find in music and Wrable is the one i indroduce earlier this month that i really looking forward to his musics. So, what if all of those three produce their latest music at around the same time in the edge of June? man! i barely can even breathe, best June ever!. Because it comes true, Coldplay released A Sky Full of Stars EP, Owl City with his new EP Ultraviolet and Wrabel the one that i'm so excited the most just gave me his debut EP Sideways. Here are the details:

1. Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars

This song has previously released by the band as the second single from their recent album Ghost Stories, and as it came out, i was thrilled and i love the song. I also wrote its review Here. A Sky Full of Stars EP features three exclusive songs, alongside the previously-unavailable radio edit of A Sky Full of Stars. The EP released on June 29, 2014 by Parlophone. One new colplayish song that i like is Ghost Story as well as the O reprise, the outro of the original version.

2. Owl City - Ultraviolet

The EP features the song Beautiful Times featuring Lindsey Stirling and the other three songs. I have previously listened to Beautiful Times and i think the song just reminds me of Adam's past work like Ocean Eyes and Maybe I'm Dreaming. Every song in Ultraviolet never leave Owl City taste, they're just what Owl City sounds like and i like it. The mini album released on June 27 by Republic Records.

3. Wrabel - Sideways

The first i knew him was from Afrojack's Ten Feet Tall which is originally his song, I like him and his musical type so I wrote him an Introduction in my post Here. At that time i really can't wait for his upcoming projects and last night i just know that He has just released a debut LP Sideways, damn i missed it for few days. It was released in June 24 (which is my birthday). It features 4 songs including Ten Feet Tall his original version. The three other songs are a bit different from Ten Feet Tall as they get so much rnb taste. Sideways and Into The Wild are good ones.

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

First 3D First Transformers

I'm not a huge fan of Transformers, neither the film nor the series. I watched one of its 3 prequels but i forget which one, the film which sets in egypt, yea! the transformers film i ever watched. And you know what? i didn't enjoy that. I don't know, transformers is sort of film which has the elements that i should love it. I mean its a sci-fi kind of films, full action, remarkable visual effect. Indeed it is, but it just doesn't work to me.

Then, when the forth film is coming to cinema and surprisingly arrives on time in town's 21 due to is early release in Indonesia and Philippines, I'm like dragged into the euphoria and the fact that Transformers is a regular blockbuster film which attracts so many viewers to go see it, i think i'm one of them now for this film. To get the ticket itself, i'm surprised that i willing to buy the late schedule 21.30 showing. I first planned to watch at the nightfall, but since its so sold out i decided to buy the last schedule to pay off my curiosity and shove with the others.

The curiosity about this film was first come when i watch the preclip trailer when I watched Edge of Tomorrow, at that time i was quite impressed to see the visual effects. And, seeing Stanley Tucci reminded me of him in DWP and Caesar Flickerman in Hunger Games. So, when the film arrived on time i decide to watch it and to be honest, the intention is just for having fun, seeing action movies with good visual effect without really questioning the plot and character that i'm nearly blind about it at all.

Flash Review

For some action seeker, suspense sequences, incredible 3d visual effects and the 'hottess' of Tessa, transformer will seriously satisfy the movie goers. From the very first to the end it contains such a high tense action with wow and thrilling visual. Every robot transformation is cool, the dinobots are so giants, the destruction of the city is scary but cool and the humor, yea the humor is making some 'idiots' viewer laugh for like so noise.

But, this film is actually just worth watching for entertainment only, i mean i'm not trying to judge this by saying this is actually a bad film, no! i don't say that. But according to the reviews that i read from wiki of which they give the film negative responses, i think i'm on their side that there're lots of cinematic problem in the Transformers Age of Extinction, like the acting, the story deepening and the character building. But as i say, i only intended to watch for entertainment only i think i could get that. Transformer 4 is entertaining.

And the fact that i watch this film in 3D viewing makes it quite interesting, because embarrassingly that was my first 3D film i watch at cinema 21, that's not because i don't want to but 3D is rarely coming here, that's sad but after i finally tried it, i think its not so much different with the traditional 2D pictures unless we wear a 3D glasses. There are many things that didn't come to my expectation. The 3D taste is only a few, the screen is too small, the audio and the 3D glasses is too thick makes it quite heavy. But, anyway i can finally gave it a taste and any lacks of it i can still understand it.

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

Review: In The Lonely Hour From Sam 'Soulful' Smith

Have you guys ever heard name of him, Sam Smith? if not, you desperately need some updates in your list to listen. Sam Smith, a British, a singer with his soulful voice. Me, honestly i first knew his musics back in few days after knowing his song 'Stay With Me' was climbing into the top ten list of US Billboard Hot 100. The ballad that takes me into more curiosity of what more he has in his musical literacy. The singer is closely to be named as the male version of Adele by several online medias, as his deep meaningful songs which is generally taken from the real life experience and his pure voice just make it feel so good.

"In The Lonely Hour" is Sam Smith's debut LP, an album which is consistently listed with songs about unrequited love. wrote on its review "In fact, it isn’t about loneliness at all, it’s about the painful, unavoidable desire for suffocating closeness fostered by unrequited love.". I can say that this is the album that i enjoy mostly of the song on my playlist. Every of its track has the same taste of his signature voice, they maintain listener to really relate a feeling when they are dealing with one-sided love all of in most of the songs. And the thing about male version of Adele, i think he's really an Adele-icous singer. The composition, lyrical, contemporary adults songs are all identical to her and directly reminding me of 21.

I really recommend this LP to all the readers who have an ultimate taste in kind of soul music, deep lyric and lovesick to deal with. The best lineup for me is started from the sublime 'Stay With Me' to 'Restart', i really enjoy that array and i can do for multiple loops on that songs. And one song which sounds so juggernaut in this album is track number 8, Life Support. My most fave one!

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Stripping Off Enemy, An Order Yet Undeciphered Film

Enemy, sebuah film drama psychological thriller karya arahan canadian director Denis Villeneuve, diadaptasi dari novel Jose Saramago berjudul The Double. Film yang menurut saya memiliki poster yang menarik (dilihat dari sisi seni grafis) kembali dibintangi oleh Jack Gyllanhaal setelah sebelumnya ia mucul di film denis sebelumnya bersama Hugh Jackman, Prisoner. Selain itu tokoh pendukung juga diperankan oleh Melanie Laurent, Sarah Gadon dan Isabella Rossellini.

Berdasarkan urutan sekuens screenplay film, film ini bercerita tentang seorang guru sejarah bernama Adam Bell yang dipernakan Jack Gyllanhaal yang tampak nya memiliki satu tekanan batin yang mengakibatkan penggambaran kehidupannya dalam film terlihat sendu dan sangat tertekan. Tinggal di sebuat flat, jack tinggal bersama seorang wanita bernama Mary diperankan Melanie Laurent, hubungan mereka sendiri terlihat baik dengan diselingi hubungan sex hampir di setap malam nya. Suatu waktu jack mengobrol dengan rekan kerja nya yang berujung pada sebuah film yang direkomendasikan oleh rekan kerjanya tersebut. Lewat film yang direkomendasikan teman nya tersebut Adam secara tidak sengaja melihat seorang tokoh figuran yang mirip persis dengan dirinya. Setelah mencari tahu tentang orang yang mirip dengan dirinya tersebut, Adam pun mulai mengalami satu perjalanan dimana ia memiliki satu kembaran bernama Anthony yang sama persis suara dan perawakannya sampai suatu saat mereka bertemu lalu Anthony memaksa untuk bertukar tempat, di akhir film tokoh kembaran Anthony mengajak kekasih Adam Mary ke sebuah motel sedangkan Adam masuk menggantikan Anthony dan bertemu dengan istri Anthony yang tengah hamil bernama Helen diperankan Sarah Gadon. Mary yang berada dengan Anthony diluar kota mendapati bahwa ia bukan Adam karena memiliki tanda cincin dijarinya, kemudian mereka pulang dan bertengkar dalam mobil yang berujung pada kecelakaan, sedangkan Adam bersama Helen tampak memiliki hubungan baik dan satu pagi ketika Helen sedang mandi dan Adam tengah berpakaian menanyakan apakah Helen ada rencana keluar tetapi ia tidak menjawab, saat ia menuju kamar untuk memastikan ia mendapati Helen berubat menjadi satu Laba-Laba raksasa.

Apabila kita hanya melihat sekilas film tersebut tanpa ada observasi mendalam, katakan kita hanya menonton film dari awal hingga akhir tanpa terlalu memperdulikan tentang arti dan korelasi setiap scene nya, maka akan sangat jelas bawha film ini merupakan film yang bisa dikatakan sangat membingungkan, karena mungkin hampir semua orang yang menonton untuk kali pertama akan dibuat ghoosebump olehnya. Bagi yang mungkin ingin menghetahui makna sebenarnya, berikut beberapa paparan yang berhasil dirangkum, itupun berkat bantuan beberapa film reviewer yang ikut menjelaskan tentang arti film Enemy.

Tokoh Utama Film
Sekilas tokoh utama dalam film ini adalah Adam sang guru sejarah yang menemukan bahwa ada orang lain yang mirip persis dengan dirinya, namun pada kenyataannya film ini bercerita tentang seseorang yang memiliki kepribadian ganda dengan menciptakan satu karakter lain dalam pikirannya dan karakter rekaan nya itu adalah Adam sang guru sejarah. Jadi, karakter asli dari tokoh yang diperankan Jack Ghylanhaal ini adalah Anthony si pemeran film figuran, premis nya :
1. Karakter dalam poster film adalah Anthony karena ia terlihat mengenakan leather jacket.
2. Ketika Adam mencari foto dirinya untuk disandingkan dengan foto orang mirip dengan dirinya di internet ia kemudian mengambil satu potongan foto yang sobek, dan foto tersebut terlihat utuhnya di apartemen Anthony.
3. Ketika Adam berbicara pada ibunya bahwa ia menemukan orang mirip dirinya, secara langsung ibunya menolak. Lalu ibu nya menyuruh Adam untuk makan blueberry dan berhenti untuk jadi aktor bayaran bintang tiga. Padahal pada saat itu Jack Gyllanhaal sedang memerankan tokoh Adam si guru sejarah, sedangkan blueberry dan aktor bayaran adalah atribut milik Anthony.
4. Helen sebenarnya telah mengetahui tentang keperibadian ganda Anthony dan Adam. Ketika ia memutuskan untuk mencari tahu tentang Adam di sekolahnya yang kemudian mereka bertemu, Pada saat itu Anthony yang tengah menjadi Adam menolak untuk mengenali Helen. Dan pada saat malam nya pun ketika Helen memberi tahu bawha ia menemui Adam, ia bertanya tentang apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dan mengataka bahwa 'Anthony sebenarnya faham tentang semua ini'.

Beberapa Adegan Adalah Flashback Masa Lalu
Sebenarnya terdapat banyak adegang flashback dalam film ini, namun memang jika tidak jeli semuanya akan terlihat seperti sebuah untaian kejadian yang berada pada timeline yang sama dalam film tersebut, namun pada kenyataannya beberapa adegan adalah sebuah mimpi atau kenangan. Premise nya :

1. Adegan di awal film ketika jack terlihat sering berhubungan badan dengan Mary sebenarnya itu adalah mimpi Adam semata.
2. Adegan Anthony bersama Mary dalam mobil sebelum car crash juge merupakan sebuah flashback.

Sebenarnya ada beberapa asumsi yang muncul tentang film ini, terlebih saya sejujurnya belum paham 100 persen tentang cerita asli film ini, berikut hal yang mungkin bisa saja menjadi arti dalam cerita film:
1. Adam adalah satu kerpiadian baru yang diciptakan Anthony untuk melakukan hubungan gelap dengan Mary setelah keduanya terlibat kecelakaan mobil, jadi diasumsikan bawha Anthony dan Mary selamat, kemudian Anthony berubah menjadi Adam untuk mendekatinya lagi.
2. Adam adalah satu tokoh yang tidak ekis, hanyalah satu bentuk rekaan alam fikiran anthony, jadi semua adegan Adam dan Mary merukapan ilusi, jadi diasumsikan bahwa Mary meninggal pada saat kecelakaan dengan Anthony, dan Anthony menciptakan Adam sebagai orang lain untuk mengingat Mary tanpa ia harus merasa trauma dan guilty.

Sejujurnya, menguraikan film Enemy berdasarkan tentang apa yang mungkin sebenarnya terjadi dalam film adalah hal yang cukup sulit, berlebih film jenis ini yang orang bilang berlairan surealis merupakan jenis film yang mungkin masih asing dimata saya pribadi, sehingga ketika pertama menonton film ini pun di ending saya sempat 'sighs..' mengerutkan kening. Beberapa blog yang saya baca yang mereview film Enemy cukup memberikan saya gambaran dan pencerahan, meskipun itu tidak sepenuhnya membuat saya mengerti, karena terlepas dari adegan yang sebenernya saling terhubung satu sama lain dan memiliki makna tersirat juga disisipi oleh simbol-simbol yang mungkin akan menambah panjang penjelasan film Enemy, sebut saja Laba-laba yang mucul di awal, laba-laba raksasa yang berjalan ditengah kota dan Helen yang berubah menjadi laba-laba di akhir film. Selain itu, ada pula simbol yang berhubungan dengan laba-laba yakni jaring laba-laba yang terlihat di beberapa gambar, mulai dari scene rangkaian kabel dan pecahan kaca ketika kecelakaan. Membingungkan memang, namun setelah saya mencari informasi sana sini, ternyata penyimbolan Laba-laba dalam film ini merupakan simbolisasi ketakutan Anthony akan Helen.

Beberapa uraian film berdasar review dari :

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Cinema In May 2014

Untuk bulan Mei kemarin, I watched 2 films in the same Cinema, the only one cinema in town. They are X-Men: Days of Future Past dan satu lagi Edge of Tomorrow.

Pas nonton DoFP rada-rada gelisah gitu, pasalnya film gak nyampe tepat waktu. Yang seharusnya rilis di indonesia tanggal 21 Mei tapi di tasik ternyata belum nyampe atau belum kesampean filmnya tayang on time. Padahal ya X-Men ini kan salah satu most anticipated film of the year, salah satu summer blockbuster tapi gak tau dan gak ngerti. Kebetulan hari rilis nya itu bukan weekend, setelah di duga-duga ternyata bener. Film nya playing pas weekend malem minggu. Rencana nonton rada ragu, waktu itu pertama nya emang niat nya mau nonton sendiri berhubung dikit atau gak ada sama sekali temen yang fanatik sama X-Men, tapi alhamdulillah salah satu temen yang baik banget udah lahir di bulan mei memberikan traktiran tiket X-Men DoFP tepat dimalam pertama diputar di 21Tasik. Seneng banget dan terimakasih pandaaa :D

Pas nonton Edge of Tomorrow itu bener-bener dadakan, soalnya gak ada rencana sama sekali buat nonton, tau film nya aja pas deket-deket mau rilis. Dan setelah cari info tentang film nya itu sendiri, penasaran pun mendera berhubung yang main Emily Blunt. Dan ternyata film nya malah datang on time jadilah ada acara nonton dadakan. Sendiri ya, but fine i get use to it :D

Oh, kebetulan untuk kedua film nya I have written the reviews, read them below:

EDM, Loud And Crowd

One of the loudest and most exploding music in this past couple years is Electronic Dance Music or known as EDM or simply dance music. Led by a Disk Jockey or DJ dance music will bring noisy everywhere, girls in bikinis, everyone jumps and put hands in the air. Music which is only about enjoying the time, the dance and the life and get rid of everything about negativity into a wild night. Sounds a bit dramatic right, but really! This genere of music is really about having a good time and for myself every time I'm listening to every dancey songs all I wanted to do is just let myself out, shake my head, move my body and enjoy the moment and I think everyone does the same, are you?

I had been enjoying this sort of music ever since I first listened to french David Guetta, for me he's like the man behind all of this dance music everywhere. And now, its getting bigger, louder and taller. Based on what i know so far most of the talented man, DJs behind the recent hottest electronic dance songs are European. Say Calvin Harris, Afrojack, Zedd, Alesso, Tiesto, Avicii, David Guetta, Swedish House Mafia and the other that i haven't found them yet. And American such as Skrillex and Alex Gaudino and Asia's Steve Aoki. At first my EDManics started about last year, listening to some stuffs from Zedd, Calvin Harris and Avicii and as of now i think me and its music itself is getting crazier. Lots are coming, Afrojack and Tiesto are two i recently listen and everyone is great.

What i really like about this type of musics, first is its jolting beat of musics, the lyrics which sometime light but beautiful, and the vocal on the song. They sometime bring new people and its good because i think not every singer will match music which contains electronic elements. The beat sounds good and attractive, trust me no matter what trouble are you faceing, this dance music will at least wipe it out for little while and you will automatiacally shake your head and move your body.

Okay, thats all the EDM. For more you can crawl google, my playlist will be soon updated!


Introducing: Wrabel

As previous first post of the month I brought music thing into the post now I will do the same to talk about music stuff. And for now I would like to introduce you and to me, one of this year's breakthrough artist who came up to the EDM music as a featured artist by Dutch DJ Afrojack. He is Stephen Wrabel or simply Wrabel, an american singer, pianist and songwriter who is ready to establish his name even bigger under the shade of Island/Def Jam recording.
The first i heard the name Wrabel is of course from his smash hit with Afrojack, Ten Feet Tall. The first I listened to the song was actually the David Guetta remix version, then i tried to look for the Afrojack original track and right after that, google directed me to its official lyric video which became the first i knew him, his style, his piano skill and his voice is everything. After i did a little bit more research, from billboard then i found the Ten Feet Tall original song, the pre remixed by Afrojack. And guess what? I think its not so bad, the video is great and song lyric is quite light but beautiful, I just love the song and i want Him more. Really! And one last thing, his voice reminds me a few like Chris Martin.
For you who haven't known the song yet, you can watch the official lyric video of Affrojack verson Here, and for the official original video Here. For another fascinating music you can find them in his Soundcloud Right Here.