Jumat, 25 April 2014

Google+ And Twitter Surprised Me!

Its been like months I didn't really have internet connection at home, so everything is connected as long as there is the wifi and of course with my smartphone. Twitter and Google+ are two of the social media i've been intensely doing. For Twitter, as i get some kind of reverse account I actively tweet via my Twitter app for android, and for he G+ I completely know nothing if i don't check it via laptop or pc.
The surprising thing is! I just know it by last night that they have new features! i'm so damn whut?? I feel really so left out knowing things that way, especially for twitter which has a complete different profile page look by adding lots of features like: now user can add a custom header image, avatar is now available with bigger size and resolution and there is also tweet pinned feature to headlines your profile page with a selected tweet. And for Google+ the surprising thing is: They have visitor counter! and what was surprising me the fvcking most is I have an approximately total of visits of 26.797. I don't know, but that number is so damn wow compared to the visitor of my blogspot.
For you who don't know them yet, check out your account right after this ones, screenshots of twitter and G+ new features, after the jump!

Google+ new feautre, views counter.

twitter new profile design, source : blog.twitter.com

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

I'd Love To Be Updated By BLACK IN NEWS

Hello readers! Happy April Mob! For the first post in this 2014's fourth month I'd like to share one of my most favorit TV Program and it clearly named in the title above, BLACK IN NEWS. A TV Program which updates you about news, entertainment, music, showbiz, hangouts, holiday, and today's generation lifestyle and trendings. This program is fully sponsored and produced by the Country's biggest name in cigarette's tradmark, which is Djarum. But, don't you guys please missunderstand that I love watching the program does mean that I smoke the cigarette as well. Hells to no! I'm not a smoker, i have never been and never will be.

The things that make me favoring Black In News is that the program has no commercial break, I mean there is but its just one and it is just its one and only sponsor, its only a Djarum tv ad and it's only a few second so I can enjoy the show for almost all its running time, thirty minutes. Besides that, the contents of the program are quite useful and cool!

The program itself divided into some segments and sometime it focuses on something so it will only talk about one things for the whole show such as culinary, spot of interest, holiday and travel. The segments which usually informed are Black Spot, Black Trailer, Blackcoustic and Black Style. Black Spot is spotting on places of interest, good recommendation for hangouts and it usually a culinary spot. Black Trailer talks about the hottest upcoming films. Blackcoustic focuses on musician and its all about musics. And Black Style is probably my fave part, its about look and style. There are some other segments actually but i do not remember, haha because believe it or not I always miss the show everytime it's aired, so I don't always watch it everyweek.

For you who wants to watch it, Black In News is aired every Saturday Night, on ANTV at 22.30 untill 11.00, and the information is based on the current show schedule, because sometime it has done some reschedules. AND! If you miss the show you can still find out the show's contents on its official site at triple double you dot blackexperience dot com a.k.a www.blackexperience.com and also you can read the e paper there and hard copy of it via Free Magazine edition. One thing interesting, the have a weekly quiz in the end of every show. Just follow the whole program and answer the quiz at facebook Black In News or twitter @_blackinnews_ .

Last but not so least, I love the hosts, I love the visual they show on tv, the images and pictures are taped and cut perfectly. Best current TV show! hope it lasts forever.

Ok readers, thats all for today. Thank you for visiting and reading and remember! you've just been updated by the TNCP! ciaaoo.

image credited to the twitter @_blackinnews_